Drone Rules in Los Angeles, CA? What to Expect? (DJI Phantom 4)?

Me and my friends are going to LA for my birthday and we want to get some drone shots for my bday. Places like the downtown skyline, me surfing, palm trees and perhaps Santa Monica Pier.

I've read people's testimonies who live in CA and they say you need to have your drone registered AND a flying license, and it's basically illegal to fly anywhere except in a deserted area (or the desert itself) but then I also read that the FAA says you CAN fly anywhere in CA as long as it's not private property and not within 5miles of the airport as well as your drone doesn't have to be registered if it isn't for commercial use.

I've never been to California and I don't want to get arrested on my birthday. Do you think I should just not bring it? Or should I bring it? Is drone flying even common there?

Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) section 63.44 (b) (8),

"Within the limits of any park or other City-owned Harbor Department designated and controlled property within the City of Los Angeles… No person shall land, release, take off or fly any balloon, except children toy balloons not inflated with any flammable material, helicopter, parakite, hang glider, aircraft or powered models thereof, except in areas specifically set aside therefore."

Drone use is allowed in Los Angeles, but there are several drone laws that need to be followed when flying in the country. Operators must ensure that they follow the following drone laws when flying in Los Angeles,

Do not fly your drone over people or large crowds
Respect others privacy when flying your drone
Do not fly your drone over airports or in areas were aircraft are operating
You must fly during daylight hours and only fly in good weather conditions
Do not fly your drone in sensitive areas including government or military facilities. Use of drones or camera drones in these areas are prohibited.

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