Is it better & cheaper to travel from Singapore to Lisbon via Frankfurt by Lufthansa or via Doha by Qatar Airways?

Is it better & cheaper to travel from Singapore to Lisbon via Frankfurt by Lufthansa or via Doha by Qatar Airways?

Airline ticket prices fluctuate a lot. One might be cheaper one day and the other might be cheaper the next. You would have to go online and look up prices for specific dates.

Prices vary enormously between airlines, and departure dates and times and stopovers, if any.

YOU need to do the research yourself. We have no idea what you would consider to be a good price, departure date or time or route.

What we might recommend today, might not be true tomorrow or next week.

It is better and cheaper to fly the combination of flights that gives you best value.
Shall we all guess what your time is worth to be waiting for a connection?

Shall we guess the value to you of a morning or night time departure or arrival time?

Shall we all guess the value to you of a particular food menu, brand of beverages served, the movies on the entertainment system?

As most have a destination past the baggage claim place maybe that part of journey needs to be accounted for too for best value for the entire days travel.

Ticket prices are always changing so it is hard to give you an accurate answer. I suggest you check out a website such as or which will show you the prices of different airlines and itineraries.

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