Is it possible to take an extra cellphone on a plane and through the airport without my parents noticing?

My parents took away my cellphone and I have an extra one my friends gave me, which I want to take on vacation but I'm worried it will get revealed through the process.

If your parents are travelling with you - they'll find out.

You'll be required to place your phone in the tray when passing through security checks.

No one at the security check point will care at all. You could have 4 phones if you wanted to.

Sometimes all electronics, including cell phones, have to be placed in a bin while going through security. It also doesn't happen often, but on two occasions I've been asked to turn my phone on and log in to prove it really is a cell phone. I don't know if this is due to heightened security measures or if there was a glitch with the X-Ray machine, and it doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Leave it in your carry on bag, it doesn't need to be separated and it will not be flagged by security.

Just put it in your checked luggage.

Don't be a punk and take your punishment.

To what extent do you think that your parents will not notice you sneaking off and talking into a cellphone?

Yes. Cell phones are permitted on flights - it wouldn't even be mentioned.

Yeah, right. Your friend has an extra phone just lying around.

You can put it in your checked bag.

How do you plan on hiding your use during the trip?

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