Will I find a Lyft or Uber Driver at 4:30 -5 AM?

I have a flight and its my first time flying so i want to make sure I'm before ahead of time even if i'm early. It leaves at 8. Any tips on the airport?

I dunno. Have a look and see.

We don't know exactly where you are going, but I can't think of an airport that has 5am landings that also wouldn't have rideshare drivers around
- NY, LA, etc…

MAYBE all you can do is try to book one. 8:00 AM is at most Airports a very busy departure time. You might want to make a point of being just a little earlier. The available drivers might all be busy.
You get there EARLY so that you can do what you need to do and then relax and eat Breakfast before your flight.

Personally I would book a ride ahead of getting ready, as apps are only reliable at the busier times, when more drivers are available. I would aim to get to th airport a little earlier than normal, as mid morning is a very busy time.

Lyft/Uber relies on people willing to drive. At that time of the morning it is possible that you will have no problems, especially if you are in a larger city. But if you are in a smaller city or have to go a long distance, you may have issues finding one. You may also be subject to a higher rate.

Also, you don't say how far away you are, but if your flight leaves at 8AM, you want to be there by 6AM if this is a domestic flight or 5AM if this is International, especially if you have never flown before. So you need to be sure that if you leave at 4:30AM that will get you to the airport in time.

Instead of Uber/Lyft, I would look at other Shared Ride Shuttle Vans or a regular Taxi(that you can schedule). You may get more specific answers if you would tell us what airport and about how far away you are.

Ask them. And if they do, book him NOW.

I know people who have booked an Uber driver ahead of time for a 4:30-5:00 pickup. Do you have the app?

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