What airlines still accept 700 series crates as cargo?

Were moving to Hawaii from the East Coast in a few months and have everything taken care of except flying our 70lb lab. With all the calculations she requires a 700 series crate, which almost no airline within a 5 hour drive of us accepts. Does anybody know of any that will allow her to fly?

You've just said 'almost no airline' accepts this. That means that there's at least one airline that will accept the crate.
Or have I misunderstood?

EDIT to add: Why has Rona Lachat's very full and informative answer not posted?

See if you can find a specific animal cargo company--they exist to fly show animals and pets all over.

Contact companies like air pets

Call the airline you plan to use and talk to a human. If that does not work then go in person to the airport from which you plan to depart and ask to speak with a cargo supervisor for the airline.

Also, Hawaii restricts entry by pets. Work with your Vet to see if you can reduce the 30 day quarantine period

Hi there! I am having the same trouble with my 72lb golden retriever. Did you figure out how to get your lab there? TIA!

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