Why is atlanta the world's busiest airport?
Why is atlanta the world's busiest airport? - 1
Not sure
A major power outage sent the air hub into disarray over the weekend, as thousands of passengers were hit with major cancellations and delays.
Because it's a fortress hub for Delta. Nearly every city Delta serves worldwide has direct service to atlanta which allows for single connections between the furthest cities. You could fly from Missoula Montana with a stop in Atlanta to Johannesburg South africa
Delta has made Atlanta their fortress hub where they and regional airlines flying for them operate around 1,000 flights a day. No other airline I know of operates that many flights out of their hub. Also other airlines besides Delta fly out of Atlanta as well.
Because they have more flights/more passengers then other airports
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- Atlanta airport concourse I to S in 90 minutes? - 1 I'm flying in to atlanta from the UK on VS0103 at 3:20pm and taking off at concourse S to Raleigh Durham at 4:47pm. I have no luggage so do not need to pick anyrhkng up. I have an ESTA that I have used a few months back so thats all eady to go for a faster security checkpoint, but is an hour and 27 minutes really enough time for the connection? Any help is appreciated thanks.
- Atlanta airport concourse I to S in 90 minutes? I'm flying in to atlanta from the UK on VS0103 at 3:20pm and taking off at concourse S to Raleigh Durham at 4:47pm. I have no luggage so do not need to pick anything up. I have an ESTA that I have used a few months back so thats all eady to go for a faster security checkpoint, but is an hour and 27 minutes really enough time for the connection? Any help is appreciated thanks.