About bringing lots of whey protein boxes in check luggage through airline?

I'm gonna take an international flight from Canada to my asian country.
I see whey protein powder boxes are on sales cause of black friday so I want to buy more. But I'm worry about whether I can all boxes in my checked luggage(not carry on)? Am I allowed to do that?
And will the protein powder be metled during the flight?

It would be cheaper to send the boxes by UPS, Fedex or another overseas carrier. They will also know the rule for importing these item into your country of origin.

Ship it

There's no issue putting them in your Checked Bag(s), but you have to watch the weight or you could end up paying a few hundred dollars in overweight fees.

Your bigger issue is your "Asian" country you failed to mention. Many countries have regulations or outright ban the importation of protein powders. If you try to import it and it is not allowed you could end up being arrested and charged with smuggling. You would be much better off sending it by another method such as UPS, FedEx or DHL.

Why not ship it as it'll be easier for customs to sieze and destroy it, and you probably won't get a jail term!

I wouldn't worry about the temperature, the cargo holds stay pretty cold. Just a matter of how many packages you want to transport most airlines when they do flights from north america to asia allow 3 checked bags and then charge from there

Can you take it on the plane? YES
In almost all situations it will arrive in a NORMAL condition.

You declare it at your destination country Customs. They will decide if there's an import fee or if the item may be imported.

The placing in your luggage is just an Airplane issue. THEY ARE NOT YOUR DESTINATION COUNTRY Customs service.

Be aware this item is HEAVY watch your weight or you will be charged for overweight luggage.

This item is allowed in your luggage. It is a good idea to place each container in its own plastic bag in case it opens or breaks during the flight. You do not want to arrive with powder all over your stuff.

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