Airport Operations Gear? - 1

When equipping Airport Operation Specialists with personal protective equipment is it advisable to give them a fire helmet and fire retardant coveralls along with an SCBA for initial Firefighting until the town fire department arrives? The town is okay with our Specialists starting initial fire operations until they arrive. No we do not own a fire truck but we have large capacity skid systems on our ops trucks and some firefighter training. My question is would the gear I listed be adequate or would we need to get full sets of bunker gear? THIS IS FOR EXTERIOR AND FUEL SPILL FIRES

Firefighting is a serious occupation. You can DIE fighting fires. Giving PPE to your personnel with "some firefighter training" is a recipe for Failure and Deaths. Your organization should have a FIRE PLAN instruction listing responsibilities, procedures, personnel training, fire drills, equipment etc etc. If your organization does not have one, it is time to speak to the Airport Manager or the Operations Officer. If you are the Ops Officer, it is time to have one.

" is it advisable to give them a fire helmet and fire retardant coveralls"
Of course it is. You expect people to fight fires without protective gear? *rolls eyes*

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