How can an app improve air travel in terms of efficiency and eco-friendliness?

If an app were to be created to be used in the airline industry, what features would it have? For example, the app could give you the most eco friendly aircraft or be used to locate a medical specialist during an in-flight emergency.

If anyone told you, they could rightfully demand 50% of the gross profits.

You don't need an app to find a doctor. They have an intercom.

Air travel has many, many parameters and interested parties. What group would the app be aimed at? Passengers? Pilots? Maintenance? Cargo? Ground handling? ATC? Airports? Taxi drivers?

If you have a medical emergency on board a plane, the CREW will find a doctor for you, or handle the emergency themselves. It would be an invasion of other passengers' privacy for you to be able to browse the passenger list.

The app is a waste of time.

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