If I'm 17, can I travel domestically with Delta airlines and have no problems?

At age 17, can you simply purchase a ticket and fly to another state without having all sorts of consent papers and having to pay an employee with dreads to follow me around at the airport? You know that garbage where they have a high school dropout "assist" you to your seat.

Huh? You are asking two or three separate things:
1. There are no age-related regulations for purchasing a domestic airline ticket. If you have a credit card or cash, you can buy a ticket.
2. For most US-base carriers, on minors under the age of 7 require the child to be accompanied to their seat or escorted.
3. You don't need a permission slip from your parents but you will need some form of photo ID.

Internationally you need to be 18, with passport, or you have issues with parental permission. Not inside the US though.

All airlines allow passengers age 17 to fly unaccompanied and without parental consent.

Call and ask you airline.

It is possible to do it without problems.

Can your Parents declare you a runaway and have the Police out looking for you? YES
Can you be on the plane? YES

CHILDREN that would be you do not have the privilege of wandering the country at will.

Yes, but you'll have difficulty buying a ticket, you can travel without id, but that will present issues at checkin and possibly security. Where are you going to stay when you arrive? Parental consent may not be required, but don't assume it will be easy.

You do not need Unaccompanied Minor service on any airline at your age. You will not need parental consent or a parent present to check you in. You do not need photo ID for security, but may be asked to prove your age to the airline. You should contact the airline about that. You may or may not be able to purchase your own ticket. If your parents are unaware of your travel plans and report you as a runaway, then you can be detained by the airline or airport security.

The actual flying is not a problem. But buying a ticket could be.

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