Is there really an issue with wearing high heels on a plane?

I do this all the time but recently someone told me it's not something the airlines want us to do. Is there some unwritten rule? No airport security person or any staff member has ever said anything to me about my heels. And the flight attendants wear them! So… Any truth to it?

Maybe some of them worry about women tripping or falling, while wearing high heels.

No. Not true. Plenty of women wear heels while traveling on a plane, I wouldn't wear very high heels, but you could.

Yes. If the plane crashes and you have to exit the emergency slides, your high heels could puncture a hole on the slide!

I mean there's not a rule but who would WANT to wear high heels on a long flight

If they have to make an emergency landing and you have to go out by the inflatable slide, they make you leave your high heels on the plane. Since this is a rare occurrence, I would not worry about it.

Flight attendants now wear low heels- and they really shouldn't have to. I wouldn't want to stand in the lines in an airport in heels. The main problem on airplanes is that the pressure changes make your feet swell- so it can be painful if you're wearing tight shoes.

On long flights yes. They become uncomfortable. It is rude to remove your shoes on flights. Also you may need move fast to exit in a emergency.

Uhm… I've never seen domestic FA's wear high heels in the cabin, mainly in the terminal and change them out in the crew room. When I was flying, low heels were required though. There are some airlines - El Al and Norwegian come to mind that still require them to wear high heels

Flight attendants don't generally wear heels. They wear dress shoes, but usually flats or very low and wide heels.

The reason they informally discourage heels is also the same reason they informally discourage flip flops - it would be hard to effectively and safely evacuate the plane in an emergency in that type of footwear. Heels can also puncture the emergency slides, so they usually won't let you wear them when evacuating that way. But there are no set rules against wearing heels or flip flops or any other kind of shoe.

No, the issue is only if you have to evacuate the plane in an emergency. They DO ask you to remove high heels in that case, as they could puncture the escape chute.

Otherwise, there's no issue apart from your own personal comfort. Your feet can swell during the flight, and for that reason, if my flight is going to be longer than an hour or so, I almost always take my shoes off and replace them with slippers or soft indoor shoes.
If it's hard to put my normal shoes on again before landing, I wait till I'm off the plane.

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