Is wearing pjs to the airport weird?

I got a flight that is at 12 am, and I have this pj set of flannel bottoms and a t shirt. Would it be weird to wear this at the airport?

It is if you're not a small child


Yes, it is weird. PJs are for your bedroom, not public places.

I've seen worse. But… You might be better off packing those in your carry on and slipping them on before you board

You don't mention your age, but it is not good idea unless you are a minor being escorted by an adult. If you're a teenager or older, I would just wear something comfortable like jogging pants and a normal daywear tshirt. It the same for footwear, no slippers, just comfortable shoes or trainers. You could change onboard, but be mindful that what you wear should not be revealing or unsuitable for wearing in public.

YES it is.
Some do it.
Some bring a change of clothes so they can be dressed appropriately for their destination arrival,

Do what you want. That your attire gets you extra attention from security or check in staff is something you deal with.

Wearing PJs anywhere aside from around the house beyond the age of 4 is weird.

Yes, some airlines won't let you board if you are inappropriately dressed.

Just wear sweat pants. They are just as comfortable.

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