Wearing a costume at o hare airport?

I'm going to pick my dad up and I wanna give him a surprise wearing a shark costume holding a sign with his name on it.

You really, really, really should check with the airport security office to make sure this is OK. My guess is that they really, really, really don't like people showing up in disguises.

What is your question?

A question would be why? I doubt it would be an issue, but you would get some strange looks.

As long as your face isn't obscured, it's unlikely to be a real problem.
They might take you aside for a few minutes to check you out, and they might tell you not to do it again.

Why, are you afraid your dad might recognize you?

I took a flight from NJ to Tampa two weeks ago. When I was going through security, a guy wearing HEAVY clown makeup, red nose, and a clown outfit was in the security lane in front of me. I was thinking "For sure, he's gonna be strip searched." But nope! He got a bunch of strange stares from other passengers and the TSA people but they passed him through without issue. And he was boarding a FLIGHT!

You should have NO problem in the airport waiting area while you await your dad's arrival. All airports are pretty much the same with security. They're all TSA and have the same protocols. If they ask you questions, just tell them that you're pranking your dad when he arrives and you shouldn't have a problem.

I'm sure that is one unique way of picking someone up. I doubt it should be a problem since you are not going past security anyway. Just hope it isn't too warm that day. Wearing one of those costumes can get really hot.

Don't be ridiculous.

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