Will it be weird going to Europe if you're Asian?

I'm going to France and will go via Air France from the United States. And I'm also Chinese. Would it be awkward in the airplane? I mean, there's all these white people around, and then there's like me, a random Asian person on the plane and when I get to the airport in Paris. Will I get weird looks from people? I'm nervous and very shy.

No oh well

No, france is a popular tourist destination for all races, so it's not weird at all


You'll be fine both on the plane and in Europe

Why would it? There are thousands of Asian tourists who visit Europe every year, and plenty of European Asians who live in Europe… You won't stand out.

Very awkward, as it's well known that Chinese people can hardly ever be found outside of China and hardly ever on airplanes. People are going to point and stare, make remarks and take pictures.

Are you being serious? I'm not. There are going to be all kinds of people on the plane, in the airport, and in Paris. No one is going to notice you.

Umm… You do know that there's Asian people in France and other parts of Europe, right?
A Vietnamese community in France existed prior to the fall of Saigon, unlike most places in the Western World.

If you're feeling lonely, go to Heidelberg. All the souvenir shops (and many others) have signs out in Chinese/Japanese.

No one will ever notice

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