Am I allow to pay cash for checked bags at the airport?

I'm going from JFK to TPA. I'm riding JetBlue. This is my first time riding alone so I'm gonna check in one of my luggage. Am I allowed to pay cash for the checked bag, or do I have to pay credit card. By "i" I mean my aunt since I'm 15.

They will be happy to take your cash.

You can pay cash for checked bags - I've done it before. You can also pay in advance by credit card if you don't want to deal with that at the airport.

Yes, you can pay cash, but credit cards are much easier.
For starters, you can use a card at the kiosk.
Second, so few people pay with cash that it will slow down the line while the agent tries to remember how to process a cash transaction. Hopefully they have change in the drawer.

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