Are rockets going to replace airplanes for long haul flights on space x bfr Are rockets going to disrupt the airplane manufacturers?
Will aircraft manufacturers cancel airline orders will airlines go out of business in 2020s due to rocket travel point to point on earth let's say san Francisco to tokyo LA to Shanghai
We just don't know. I'm surprised that commercial aircraft manufacturers are not building hybrid powered planes. Turbo jets to 200 mph then ramjets taking over and achieving Mach 3 (2,300 mph with ease.
NO, ROCKETS are too expensive to make.
Why should it disrupt the manufacturers? Rockets are just airplanes without wings. If rockets become the preferred method of carrying passengers, aircraft manufacturers will just switch over to building rockets.
Rocket technology was an invention of Last Century, Vostok 1 was the first successful manned spaceflight program in April 12, 1961… Heu… Landing in Parachute?
Last century Japan invention was the Shinkansen… That was those days… Japan's population continues to gray and shrink in this century…
'Still Testing' in orbit after New Zealand launch
/ The 0 series Shinkansen
World's 1st Bullet Train, Made In Japan, Turns 50 in 2014… Born in 1964…
Not a chance.
- Do you prefer night flights or day flights? I prefer night flights. The view of all the city lights and cars passing by below is so relaxing and I love the way airports are all lit up at night.
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