Do business shoes hurt your feet when traveling?

During business conferences/trips or going through the airport, do your shoes or heels begin to hurt your feet?

If so, what solutions have you found?

If your shoes are decently constructed and FIT (most people don't know how to buy shoes that fit properly), they will not hurt - ever.
If you choose poorly-constructed shoes, outlandish styles (like 4 inch stilettos), or buy shoes that do not fit properly… Any shoe can hurt your foot.
Notice, I said nothing about price. Some very expensive shoes are poorly-constructed. Just because they cost a lot does not mean they are "good" shoes. However, most decently-constructed shoes are not cheap.
It is just as important, when buying shoes, to fit for width and arch placement as it is to fit for length. Shoes that fit properly do not have to be "broken in".
The best thing to do when shoes hurt your feet is to take them off. Don't put the same shoes back on; change shoes.

Go to a GOOD shoe store, and be measured and fitted properly. Your feet change in shape and size from a variety of factors. Do not just *keep ordering the size you always wore*. Chances are, you have stretched out some of them, so that now they match you feet - although the support in them is shot. See a good pedorthist or even a foot doctor, and have all your irregularities addressed - maybe get CUSTOM orthotics made. That will also help with sore ankles, knees, hips, and BACK. Change the design, style, and heel height of your shoes a couple of times a day. Learn so good massages and special stretches for you entire leg and back, as well as feet. Your feet should NOT hurt - and if they do, you need professional help to assist you get back on track. We did!

No, they don't because I buy shoes to fit my feet properly.

Sounds like a "broad" problem. Shrug.

I keep my "business" shoes in the luggage
and just wear loafers in the aircraft cabin
and take them off when the plane is in the air

I'm confused why you mention 'heels' when talking about 'business shoes'. There's no reason why anyone would need heels in a proper business role unless they're trying to compensate for a lack of business knowledge with pure looks.

As for flying, wear what is comfortable. Change into whatever you feel appropriate before you get to you office/work destination. It's not that difficult to figure out.

The wrong travel shoe can ruin your entire trip.

I don't know why your shoes should hurt your feet while you're going through an airport. If they fit properly they shouldn't hurt EVER.

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