Will Trump's Mexican border closing cause tourist flights to be canceled to cancun?

Is there a likelyhood that the border closing at the ports of entry affect the airports that international flights from US to Mexico for tourism?

DT is a gutless bully. Even thinking about closing the Mexican border is the stupidest thing he's come up with yet. That's not just opinion - of course he can't do that. Well, he can, but about $100 million in goods cross that border every day. He'd catch so much grief that even he isn't that stupid.

Anything is possible, you need to call those airports up and ask thern about it

It probably won't happen. But then again we thought the partial shutdown wouldn't happen, either.

IF trump closes the land border.

Mexico can close their Airport "Border Post" to US flights if they desire.
It could be just one Airport or all of them.It could be just flights from a few US cities or all of them.
It could be the flights from just one Airline or ALL of them.

Of course you are aware that there's a huge amount of trade daily in both direction over the border.

US-Mexico Trade Facts
US Goods and services trade with Mexico totalled an estimated $615.9 billion in 2017. Exports from the USA to Mexico were $276.2 billion That is about Five Billion per week.

The people in the USA that make this stuff would soon be out of work until other customers can be found.

Ever wonder where a lot of your food is grown? California grows a lot so does Iowa.

Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $557.6 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2017.

According to the Department of Commerce, US Exports of Goods and Services to Mexico supported an estimated 1.2 million jobs in 2015 (latest data available)

US Total imports of agricultural products from Mexico totalled $25 billion in 2017, our largest supplier of agricultural imports. Leading categories include: other fresh fruit ($6.0 billion), fresh vegetables ($5.5 billion)

In the grand scheme of things Your travel to Cancun does not mean much to either government.

Would you expect all you met in Cancun during a Border closure would be thrilled you can cross the Border and they can't?

A tourist from Europe could easily change their expensive US Vacation for the now reduced price one in Cancun. You might think it is too far. Planes can stop and refuel to get there.

Last year international tourism generated over $1,245 billion around the world. Tourism is obviously a huge moneymaker for countries that are top travel destinations, but some tourists spend more than others.

Americans spent $112 billion while travelling abroad last year. Seems like a big number.

Germans also big spenders, spending $92 billion. And they are 1/5 the the population of USA.

Chinese tourists spend more than US tourists.

Mexico can replace the lost US tourist business.

It would be a rather dumb thing to do but then the current Whitehouse is not known for many smart ideas in the last few years.
BOTH Republican and Democrat political talking heads can also claim some dumb ideas.

IF the border was closed it would be a mess for millions of people not even near the border in both countries.

Your flight might go or it might not.

As far as I know… No. The border crisis is a separate issue which is highly unlikely to impact air travel between the countries.

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