Will American airports never be developed Will our airports never be better?

Are American airport bad because I keep hearing people complaining about air travel

When will our airports improve because I keep hearing people complaining about airports are bad here i'm actually looking forward to see the improving our airports improve our public transportation

Because I feel like American airport are falling behind other countries will American airport never catch up with japan rest of developed countries

I'm with you buddy. US airports are horrible. Just finished a vacation that took me to SFO and ATL in the States, and MUC and BUD in Europe. Of the four, SFO was far the worst. In fact their arrival to their international terminal is outrageous.

They have no one at the baggage carousel to keep the bags from piling atop each other. As a consequence I smashed my shin against the carousel trying to reach my bag. ATL, MUC, and BUD each had a baggage handler at the carousels to prevent baggage pile up.

Dragging both my check through and carry on bags, after the carousel I come upon a very very… Very long corridor and the people mover is broken. So we all have to drag all our luggage easily a quarter mile to reach passport.

And if, as many of us do, we need to go to the restroom after debarking the airplane, we find that the nearest restrooms are closed for cleaning. The next restrooms are at the end of that quarter mile corridor.

Finally, we get to passport control. Where we see three lanes as options to take. One lane is for some special deal passports I have no clue what they're talking about. But it clearly wasn't my lane. I'm an American citizen.

Ah there's a lane whose sign says "Residents and Guests." I'm a US resident, I live in Oakland and I'm a citizen. So I go into that lane. Only to find that "Residents" means foreign residents who have a green card. What? And how am I supposed to know that?

SFO may be the worst airport in the US. But no there are four more that are worse. How do I know this? There was a survey that recently came out of the top 20 biggest airports in the US. Denver was the best, it stood number one. SFO was number 16, didn't pay attention to which airports then next lower four were.

But yes, US airports are horrid compared to large airports in Europe.

Most of the issues are that Airports built decades ago out in some vast open field are now surrounded by stuff no room to grow much.

Many would like to see a few more Airports an extra runway or two. The people near this place usually DO NOT WANT.

No planes near my place. The road traffic, the lights the noise… Or whatever

Do not expect any NEW large airports for a few years

New Orleans has a big change coming next year

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