Why was there no Passenger revolt on American Airlines flight 77?

Why was there no Passenger revolt on American Airlines flight 77?

Added (1). Has we all know on 9/11 there was a passenger revolt on flight 93, you wouldn't expect there to be one on 11 or 175 has they were the two earliest plane (Flight 11 nobody knew and Flight 175 people thought that flight 11 was an "accident".) but flight 77 knew fully about the WTC so why was there no passenger revolt on that flight.

A different set of passengers.

Who knows. Maybe there was a good in-flight movie

We'll never know for sure
There were more phone calls from flight 93 (only two people made calls from flight 77), so maybe the idea of what was really happening wasn't as prevalent on flight 77. Flight 93 was also short a hijacker, so maybe the hijackers on flight 77 were doing a better job of controlling the hostages and keeping communications down.

Prior 9/11, people accepted to listen and do what the hijackers want. Back then everyone still lived. Now the game has changed. What the people did on Flight 93, they did on their own volition. How would the people on flight AA 77 know what was going to happen?

Please tell your conspiracy theorist masters to cut the cr-p.

What transpired on

Because there just wasn't.

Flight 93 was a hoax it never happened

Would you be brave enough to fight against someone that had a weapon while you had nothing?

White people control airplane security. They wanted to kill non whites

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