Transfer time Luton Airport to LHR?

Will I be able to travel from Luton Airport to London Heathrow in time? Flight arrives Luton 16.05 Flight leaves LHR 20.35. Is it a good plan to book these flights and be able to make the transfer?

The minimum time recommended is 4.5 hours. While the National Express shuttle between airports does not take that length of time you need to allow for the possibility that your flight to Luton might arrive late; disembarking could be slow; you need time to get your luggage and find the shuttle bus or taxi; there could be traffic delays - it's a congested route; and you need to arrive at Heathrow at least 3 hours before an International flight. And, if you take the shuttle and you LHR flight departs from Terminals 4 or 5 you need to allow at least another 30 mins.

Risky by road, at that time of day. By train is a better option.

Not a good idea - they're a fair way apart, and you need to give yourself plenty of time to get out of Luton, and to check in prior to your flight at Heathrow

You're also looking at travelling at rush hour - so traffic will be slow

Its messy to change airports like this. I agree with Gerry that taking the train would be best. If possible find another route for your flight.

Never have a transfer at different airports, it's asking for trouble, especially when the airports are so far apart.

Some can do it in the allowed time.
Can YOU?
Can you guarantee your flight arrives on time?
Can you guarantee good traffic conditions?
Probably not.
You are pushing the limits and have a very good chance of not being able to make the connection. Too many things can happen to delay you a few minutes and you have little time to spare.

The time plane lands is not the minute you get off the plane.

The minutes you walk from to train or bus stop is added to the WAITING time for next bus/train departure. Then add time to walk from station at Heathrow to the check in place you need.

It is a good idea to allow more time.
Think for a moment what is your cost in time if you miss this connection. Next flight might be full. You may need to wait a long time for next available seat.

At best this is a two hour connection, but you need to take into account waiting times for buses and trains, could easily puck this to 2.5 hours+ assuming you have luggage etc. I wouldn t risk it if it's an international flight you are connecting on. If you plan to keep this routing, look at connections over 6 hours, allowing for late arrival in Luton, heavy traffic, etc.

The others are right, but the critical thing to me is that if you're taking an international flight out of LHR, you ought to be arriving there about the time you're landing at Luton. It takes a long time to check in and get through security at LHR.

That timing seems very tight, especially as you should, in theory, turn up at LHR two hours before your flight. 2.5 hours is too short to get your baggage at Luton, get a train to central London, and another train to LHR. There might be a direct coach (bus) Luton to LHR, but that might not run at times to suit you, and even so, 2.5 hours is a skimpy time for that journey by road. A taxi could do it (if traffic allows!) but would be very expensive. And you would be leaving Luton in the rush-hour (commuter time) with thick road traffic.

I strongly advise allowing at least 6 hours for that transfer.


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