I need advice how do I travel, how can I prepare myself so I don't look like a complete stupid idiot to Thisbe guy I'm seeing?

I've never traveled on a plane, I'm 18 and I can't pay for myself, I have no clue of what to do and this guy that likes me said he he wants to go to Texas and then he say it isn't to long from you if you wanna go there". He's in Europe but plans to see me in the summer I'm not sure if he wants to go with me once he comes here after. But the thing is I don't have a passport, I have never been to the airport, I weren't know what to do when I get there and I don't wanna look like a complete stupid clueless idiot, also I don't know how to pay on my own I'm very bad with math and money like I have no clue. How would I pack what can I bring and what can't I? I don't wear much makeup so how would I be able to take my facial stuff with me? I'm so nervous what do I do?

It sounds like you are in the US so you don't need a passport to go to Texas.

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