Is there any way that I can hire someone to force the San Antonio International Airport to permanently shut down?

I need to stop having my ears, heart, and mind blown out by the extremely loud, low-flying planes that practically hit my roof every minute (including in the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep)!

Ya but you'll get arrested. The fact that you've posted this question proves you don't know enough to get away with level of crime.

You can hire a lobbyist for several million.

Best thing is to move.

You will be doing something called FELONY. See if you like wearing orange.

Just move

Just call in a bomb threat.

Or fly a drone around. That shut down Gatwick for days.

Let us know how it turns out.

The airport was there before you. If you don't like it catch a plane to somewhere quieter.

Won't happen. You're better of moving

Let me guess, you found a great deal on a home and now that you're in, you realized that the house is in the flight path of the airport and the noise bothers you?

It would be far easier for you to move away.

You will never shut it down. However, if you are bothered by aircraft movements during the night, you should appear before the airport authority meetings and see if they might a curfew on aircraft movements during certain hours.

Some airports to have a restriction on aircraft movements between certain hours of the night It is called noise abatement.

Boson, for example, Boston has certain noise abatement ordinances in effect and so does Ronald Reagan national airport

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