Give someone else your plane ticket?

Me and my family recently bought plane tickets to go to Florida. My dad unfortunately isn't able to go on the day that we fly out. We're flying Spirit Airlines. Is there any way that we can transfer the ticket to another one of my family members, like my sister perhaps? Please help, I would really hate for me to spend all that money on a ticket and have it go to waste.

They will not get through the security check for ID to match the plane ticket

I would go to the ticket counter prior to the day of the flight, with both your father and sister, and explain the situation, perhaps they will accommodate you.

Homeland Security Wants to KNOW who is moving where.
Try turning in your tickets for a refund or upgrade.

Ask Spirit Airlines. Take a shorter amount of time and get the exact information you are seeking.

You may have to ask the airlines, but chances are you can't transfer the ticket to someone else. What you are likely to be able to do, is to get some credit for your dad to fly on another day or to fly to another destination.

Npc. Tickets are not transferable

No. Previously issued tickets are not transferable.

No, not just like that. But if you phone the airline and explain the situation, they will tell you what is and what isn't possible for YOU, in YOUR situation, with YOUR ticket type.
There's NO point in asking anybody else.

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