Which airport is best for traveling?

La Guardia or Newark?
Thanks and for someone who doesn't directly live in the city but not too far away from the city.
Which airport do you prefer?

Whichever one your flight departs from.

I use Newark by preference because it is much closer to my Staten Island home than is LaGuardia--so close, in fact, that when the trees in my backyard are bare I can see the airport.
You should chose based on convenience to your home, since travel to/from an airport can exceed the time you spend in the air

It depends on where you are going once you land and how you would like to get there.

Which is best?
The one that has the fight to where you want to go at the price you are willing to pay.
For International flights suggest Newark.
Domestic depends on destination LGA has more.

Maybe after the Billions spent on new stuff at LGA it may change in about four years.

Didn't you ask the same question a couple of days ago?

Do you expect a different answer?

A few factors to consider.
Which airport is most convenient for you to get to…
Parking considerations…
Which airport offers the best airfare for you… Or
Which airport has the most convenient departure and or arrival times…
Of course, not every airline operates out of both airports to the same cities so whether one airport offers a nonstop or where the connection city is might also be a consideration.
Really, only you can decide

T depends on what your destination is. If Queens or the Bronx, LaGuardia is a no-brainer. If Staten Island, then Newark makes more sense. In the cases of Manhattan and Brooklyn, it's pretty much a question of which neighborhood (Lower Manhattan=Newark, Upper East Side=LaGuardia.)

In terms of traffic, ease of use, logistics, etc, LaGuardia almost always wins, if you are terminating in NYC and have a choice of flights.

La Guardia… Have always been on time and never had a problem.

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