How can I avoid crying at the airport?

I'm 15, every summer I visit my aunt and uncle in New York and 30+ friends. But as each day passes I realized that I have to go back to my mom and dad in Florida. Every time I think about it it's like a overwhelming feeling for my heart. Let's say 15 out of the 16 times I had to leave my aunt I cried. I'm not trying to cry in airports because it makes me look soft as hell. I'm going from the best times of my life in Newyork to florid where it's boring *** hell. Then I have to see my aunt cry, **** me

The situation sounds like it sucks. You're going from a situation you love with friends and family to one that you like a lot, lot less, tearing out your support network and most of your interests. Who wouldn't be upset by that?

it sounds shlocky and stupid, but it really really is alright to cry, as someone who repressed like, all of their tears for years it catches the hell up with you. Tears don't dry up when they're ignored, they come out later poisoned.

being soft does not mean you are weak. Being in touch with your own emotions means that you'll be more emotionally strong than the people who don't. It also means you'll probably be less of a dickbag on the whole.

crying means you care. Caring about something opens you to hurt. Opening to hurt means you can grow and become better.

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