Having had knee replacements I always get wanded at airports. If I have a global entry card, can I avoid this?

I have a passport and global entry card, but still had bad experience at Chicago O'hare airport, having to be wanded and hand searched, very embarrassing for 80 year old woman. Should the global entry card have avoided this humiliation?

Really? I have had both knees done and have never been stopped. They are no longer made of any kind of metal. I also had a plate and 10 screws in my shoulder and that never showed up.

I have never gotten "wanded" when entering a Country and going through Customs/immigration. Global ENTRY cards mean nothing when going through TSA or security when departing.

My Significant Other has had a few replacements and has never had an issue in the last few years

Actually, the Global Entry might have caused this. Global Entry gives you access to the Pre-Check line. The Pre-Check line goes through the metal detector rather than the body scanner that everyone else goes through. If your knee has a bunch of ferrous metal in it, then that is setting off the metal detector.

Getting 'wanded' takes about ten seconds. What's the big deal?

Doesn't stop my wife from getting wanded
She gets wanded at almost every security checkpoint

Knee replacements should not set off the body scanners that all airports use for standard screening now. However, if you are going through TSA precheck due to your Global Entry status then you might be going through a metal detector instead, which might alert to your knee replacement. But Global Entry will not keep you from being wanded if the machine alerts to something on you.

I also have several metal body parts - and steel shank orthotics. But last time that I got wanded in an airport (happens all the time at sports events) was by a teeny TSA agent who was suspicious (jealous much?) of my just average chest - to the point that she called over two security officers. I was wearing a front-hook bra, and she went into battle mode. She stated that NOBODY wears those except her Gramma (open a Victoria's Secret catalog lately, girl?). In told her I understood what she was coming from - you actually have to be a woman with A PAIR to wear a serious bra. Enjoy your day, little girl… This had never happened again - but I have not been screened by scrawny 90-pound whiner, either.

Having GE makes no difference

No GE doesn't prevent you from additional screenings.

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