How to get from terminal 5 to terminal 1 at chigago ohare airport How long will it take?

How to get from terminal 5 to terminal 1 at chigago ohare airport How long will it take?

Take the train that runs from terminal to terminal. Terminal 5 to terminal 1 takes 9 minutes plus any time to wait for the train. You will also have to go through security when you get to terminal 1.

Conley39 gives good advise.
The train goes on a continuous loop. So if for any reason you miss your stop for terminal 1, just stay on the train and you will come around to it again.
It is free and very easy to use.

From where you might get off a plane in terminal 5 to where you need to be in terminal 1 plan on at least 30 minutes. The train is easiest and fast. You need to get to and from the stopping place for the train. The ride is less than ten minutes. The issue is getting to the ride and then to the next security check point and then next flight.
Allow at least 2-3 hours for a change in flights. Sometimes you can do it fast. Sometimes stuff happens to complicate things.
You can't guarantee what you will get off your first flight. NO ONE knows if at the time you are there if security will have a fast line or a long one.

You can avoid the line by using the BUS and not the train.
If you arrive on a domestic flight and must connect to an international flight, you have two options:

1.) you can take the ATS (train) and pass through the security checkpoint in Terminal 5 or

2.) you can take a Terminal Transfer Bus (TTB) from Terminal 3 to Terminal 5 and bypass the security checkpoint in Terminal 5.

The Terminal Transfer Bus service is year round with operation hours as follows: 10:00 am - 8 pm. If you are arrivng into the domestic terminals and need to collect your luggage (exit the security side of the airport) and recheck in T5, you will not be able to use this service.

For you also confirm if your luggage goes direct to next flight or if you need to claim it and recheck for next Airline. It depends on the Airlines you use.

WEATHER and other stuff happens DO NOT AIM to the minute for the last possible time to make it. Missing that expensive over the Ocean part is not some Free vacation while you wait for an available seat on some other flight a few hours or a few DAYS later.

It is a large Airport It happens that flights arrive early AND LATE. Yours could be on time. Your choice to rush and maybe make it or plan ahead for rest stop between flights.

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