Maximum Argan Oil and Olive Oil allowed in Checked Luggage?

I'm planning to have 1L bottle of Argan Oil + 1L bottle of Olive Oil in my Checked Luggage.

I'm Flying with TAP Portugal from Casablanca Airport (Morocco) to Europe.

Is the amount I'm taking with me considered too much? Will it be subject to any extra fee?

As long as your checked luggage does not go over your limit, you can have as much as you like. I would suggest wrapping them well in plastic just in case they leak. It is only hand luggage where there are liquid restrictions.

Why? You can buy these things in Portugal.

Yes, no problem in checked-in baggage. But seriously, wrap them VERY well. Bags get tossed around and you Really don't want to open up and find olive oil and Argan oil has leaked into EVERYTHING.

The litre bottles can be in your checked bag. Package them well. Suggest each gets a separate plastic bag in case they break or open. Pack them near the middle.
Of course your bag will always go under mine and I travel with my anvil and jars of honey.
You do not want my honey and other passengers have no desire to get your oil on their bags. Can get very messy in your bag if they break. Package them well A towel works good for this around the plastic bag.

In checked luggage you could have more. The issue is then what does customs allow duty free and what duty you might pay for the additional amount.
I have seen a bag that shipped with eleven bottles. NINE made it to destination. The contents of the other two also made it. Of course there was laundry to do. Not sure if they could clean the suitcase.

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