What is the possibility of being in an airplane and the plane crashing?

Kinda scared that with all the technology we have, there are still air plane crashes.
i personally never worried about this but now that i'm thinking about the latest plane crash with the Ethiopian airlines that killed 157 passengers has me scared… Thoughts?

In an American flagged airliner over the US, you're safer then walking down the sidewalk near your house…

The percentage chance before Ethiopia was extremely small considering the thousands of flights each day. Now that Boeing is correcting the cause of Ethiopia (and Indonesia) the chance of your having a crash is even less.

Id be rnore worried about a car crashing, they do that rnore than planes do

The plane crashes are almost all fake.

Yes, you are not alone. We're all scared to death of flying now. The airplane was relatively new to many foreign pilots who missed out on the training. You must wait for several years before flying with airlines with brand new planes. Two crashes is enough to give Boeing a strong message. You can rely on BOEING training all the pilots in the world on their software and whatever else they need to know about. Just let a few more months or years to go by and then you will be safe.

Cars crash and kill/hurt people Every Day All over the World

are you afraid to get in a car?

Car as Much more dangerous than an airplane

According to The Economist, the probability of your plane going down is around one in 5.4 million. Other reports place the odds closer to one in 11 million. To put this into perspective, you are far more likely to be struck by lightning or attacked by a shark than you are to die in a plane crash

The same probability it takes to F U C K HER RIGHT IN THE P U SS Y!

It's possible.

What's the possibility of being in a car and the car crashing?
It's possible.

What's the possibility of being out in the public and being a victim of violence?
It's possible.

Many things are possible.
Some of them are not good.

Your chances of being hit by a car are far more better. So to answer your question, not likely.

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