What was the screws made of in 1970s for people with hip diysplasia?

Will I get through airport security with screws in both my hip from hip dysplasia and also pins in my legs. I heard the new screws that are used now do get through security but what was the old ones made of exactly. Titanium, metal, ect.

I have a knee replacement and screws in my shoulder - and a few other oddities implanted, like a lens in my eye. They wand me - I'm fine. Actually, getting into Madison Square Garden yesterday had more security and inspection than most planes I fly on. The airport scans are looking for oddities that are shaped like something illegal - a gun, for example, or something carrying drugs. Your doctor can tell you what materials were used in your surgeries - it is in his surgical notes.

Nothing to worry about.
Most airport no longer use metal detectors for screening people. They use whole body scanners. Those machines DO NOT detect metal, and they DO NOT see anything below the skin.

Even if you go through a metal detector, it is quite possible that nothing will happen. People have to go through those machines with significant metal in glasses, rings, zippers, buttons and so on.

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