Are airlines or passengers (typically) responsible for layover accommodations?

I have a 15 hour overnight layover. I have intentions on leaving the airport regardless, but I'm curious if it can be at the airlines expense.

No, airlines are only responsible for layover costs if their equipment was the cause of a delay.

You chose two flights with that kind of layover, so any layover costs are also yours to cover.

If the layover is scheduled, the passenger is responsible for any costs incurred during the layover.
Don't you think if the airline was going to pay your hotel, they would have had that on the booking page?

You have a 15 hour layover because you aren't very good at scheduling flights. The airline doesn't care about that, nor should they.

Not if the layover is a result of the normal flight schedule, and not if it's caused by delayed or cancelled flights due to weather or other events beyond the airline's control. If it's a result of a mechanical or staffing problem that the airline could, theoretically, have avoided, then they have to pay.

No, it can't be a charge of the airlines in a scheduled connecting flight.

Be aware that you have to meet the entry requirements of the layover country (e.g. A visa may be required) if you leave the transit area of the airport.

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Of course it is your expense.

No, if you choose to book an itinerary with a long layover, then you are responsible for your own accommodations.

The airline would be responsible if you were unexpectedly kept overnight due to a mechanical problem or other issue that is the fault of the airline.

Of course not. You chose to book flights with such a long layover, you are responsible.

Yes. Unless it was an unforeseen layover caused by the airline in question, you will unfortunately have to make your own arrangements.

TYPICALLY it is the passengers responsibility to arrange their accommodations for this lay over period.
It is a good idea to choose a place near the Airport that provides a shuttle service as part of their room charge.

A travel agent could have done this for you.

In some long lay overs the Airline might have a package deal for their passengers they can arrange for you. IT IS NOT FREE.

Why would you expect others to pay for your room? It happens that you may have a long wait between flights. Your choice to wander the Airport explore a bit to see a bit of stuff or find a hotel and get some sleep.

YOUR responsibility. The Airline can assist you in finding a Hotel they may have a discount rate you could use.

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