Can I move between terminals at LAX?

My brother has a United flight and I have a Delta in the domestic travel area. We're heading to the same location but want to have dinner together in the airport. Am I able to move between terminals?

You can move between SOME terminals in LAX. However, in your case United is in T7-8 and Delta is in T2-3. There's no "simple" air side connections between the two.

What you would have to do is walk from the United Terminal to TBIT(Tom Bradley International Terminal). Your brother would have to take the air side shuttle from the Delta Terminal to TBIT. However, unless your brother has an International ticket leaving from TBIT they may not allow them on the shuttle, and if there are no Delta Partner airline International Flights leaving the shuttle may not even be running.

In addition to be safe in this case, you would also need to allow at least 30 minutes each way due to the shuttles and walking distance.

You will probably want to pick a place somewhere in the middle where you can meet pre-security clearance. Since Delta moved from T5 to T2-T3, meeting together is a bit more complicated. I suggest the both of you go to the link below and agree to a restaurant. Just make sure you give yourselves enough time to get through security.


Whilst as mentioned you could do this, make sure you both have sufficient time between flights, to get to/from your meeting point, have dinner, etc. And be back to board your onward flight.

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