Flat Earth types. Do you think all the airlines are in on the conspiracy?

I fly across the Pacific Ocean at about 40,000 feet about six times a year. If the lighting is right, and the weather is clear, I can see the curve of the Earth. I also was given the opportunity to ride in a military jet. We went so high that the sky was almost black. The curve of the Earth was easily seen.

I suppose you believe that the NASA conspiracy includes:
United Airlines.
Singapore Airlines.
Cathay Pacific Airlines.
Air Canada
American Airlines
Qatar Airlines
British Airways
and so on.

I suppose you think they drugged me, and all the other passages so that we would see a curved Earth, right? My wife saw it as well. Oh, maybe we're part of the conspiracy and do not know it?

My brother is in California. I live in Singapore. We use the internet to video call. Why is it daylight in Singapore, and night in California during the call? Oh, I guess my brother is in on the conspiracy as well. Why is it that everyone is in on it, but you?

Added (1). Constellations are very different in the Southern hemisphere, than in the Northern hemisphere. I suppose the airlines, and NASA are responsible for that as well.

Obviously, it has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven that human eyes get more curved as they move toward lower gravity. This is especially accute during solar radiation events. So, your eyes deceive you. The earth is flat.

The organisations you list are just names for the same organisation.

Flat Earth people are hilarious. Flight times are also shorter because of Earth's curve when using polar routing.

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