Is it possible to work 2 jobs at the same airline?
I'm currently studying aircraft maintenance engineering (EASA) and will be starting my pilot training next year. I was just wondering if the airlines would hire me as a pilot and an aircraft mechanic? I mean i could be working as an aircraft mechanic when i'm not flying.
Is this possible? Also, what category of license would be beneficial for me if I'm going to be a pilot.
Added (1). UPDATE***---- CORRECTION***---- Also, what kind of *aircraft mechanic license* would be beneficial for if i'm going to be a pilot
YOU may be able to work for two different airlines, but i doubt if one airline would let you work two positions at the same time… Its too much of a liability on them.
As far as the pilots lic. You have to start out with a single engine pilots lic. Then get your instruments rating, then twin engine, turbo prop, and just work your way up from there… Its a LONG EXPENSIVE PROCESS.
As for the mechanics lic. You need to start off with what's called a A&P LIC. It stands for AIRFRAME & POWERPLANT. Thats the main lic youll have to get to work on aircraft. After that theirs several other "ratings" you can get, but start off with that one, it will take a year and a half of FULL TIME school just to be able to take the test for that lic. From the F.A.A. If you pass that test, which is a total of 5 different written test's, then you have to take a practical test and a verbal test, if you pass those then you get your lic. A A&P lic. Is the HIGHEST mechanic rating you can get in the USA And you will also have a associates degree in Aeronautical Engineering. IT'S expensive, It cost me 10k$ and that was a very long time ago.
Only they know that
Possible, yes. Likely, no. It would be possible at a very small air taxi or charter company that can't afford a large staff. It would not be very likely at an airline. Apparently you do not realize that airline pilots are typically on duty 10-14 hours per day and their required rest time and scheduled days off would preclude them from doing anything else. So your choice is to either work for a small company, or decide between being a maintenance engineer or a pilot at a large company. At minimum you should obtain the Basic AME license.
I was airline pilot for 40 years - with airlines -
Yes I had 2 jobs for most of the time -
Line pilot was one job -
And pilot-instructor - classroom, simulator, and on the line -
Kept me busy -
I retired as manager - pilot training -
My airline still calls me for part-time training duties - mostly classroom
I know in the US you can hold both an A & P license and an I/A (inspection authority.) An IA can sign off what an A & P can't,. So there's two positions, you are more valuable to the company that way. Too. Go for your Avionics and Structures classes, too, or whatever they call them in Europe. More feathers in your cap. More job security.
Not a chance, if you're talking about a proper airline. Pilots are paid good money to fly. They would want to get their money's worth out of you. Your scheduled hours wouldn't allow you to also work shifts as a mechanic.
If you were working for some two bit, Hicksville outfit where people have to double up on jobs it's possible.
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