Airports - what do you do when a porter asks you for your passport in order to take you to the front of the line?

So, you're waiting in a long line at the airport and an airport employee comes up and assertively asks you if he can take you to the front of the line. He then asks you for your passport in order to do so. Has this ever happened to you? How do you respond?

What country? What line are you in? A porter wouldn't do that. There are places where you can pay for someone to process you through immigration so you can get through faster. At one time, they would take people with small children through the security lines faster, but I don't think that's true anymore. It may still be true in some places for people who are elderly or handicapped.

I haven't seen a porter in an airport in years!

Why the hell would you be taken to the front of the line?

If you're late and your flight is about to depart, the ticket counters will sometimes ask for a show of hands for people who are still in line and their flight is about to go. Then those people can be taken to the front of the line. And the staff may take your passport to hand it over to the ticket counter so they can start the process for you. They enter your name off the passport to bring you up in their computer.

If that's the case, then sure hand over the passport if the porter is really a porter.

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