Can planes land in water?

Today I was in a commercial airline and I saw this medium sized red airplane, that looked like a commercial plane but it was all red and had a wing on the bottom about the same size as the wings on the sides, and it landed into Lake Michigan somewhat close to the shore. The plane didn't have any floatation things or anything. It looked like it crashed. I couldn t see if it began to sink because it stopped when it hit the ice (the lake is frozen). What could it be? Did it crash? Or what it supposed to land in the water?

The lake was frozen

Sure some planes can land on water as well as ice

Had a wing on the bottom? Put the rack pipe down honey. No airplane has a wing on the bottom. You didn't have a good look at it.

If it's frozen solid, any land plane with wheels or skis can land on it. Otherwise, you need a seaplane, which can be the kind with two pontoons for flotation, or a flying boat, where the fuselage itself provides the flotation. Some flying boats have "sponsons" which look like short wings on the bottom to provide stability when on the water.

Plane equipped with skis. The "wing on the bottom" was probably its shadow. Probably an aircraft like this: Can planes land in water

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