Gel bikini top through airport security?

I'm petite person with small breasts so I don't feel comfortable wearing a bikini without padded inserts. I'm going on vacation in florida and I want to know what's my best shot of getting a padded gel inserts through airport security.
Should I put them in my liquids zip lock bag? They would fit, but I have no idea how many ounces of liquid they are
Should I wear them on the plane?
Or should i just pack them in my carry on luggage and hope they don't pick up on them?
I really don't want to get them confiscated because they're not cheap either and I'd have to buy new ones
I'm just bringing a carry-on item so I can't check them, either

Added (1). other gel products (such as gel shoe inserts) are not permitted through airport security. That is why i'm asking the question and why a gel insert would potentially raise alarms

Huh? You simply pack it and go.

Put them in your zip lock bag and you will be fine. Otherwise they will pull them out of your bag and mess with them. If you wear them and you get one of those body scanners you would get the special pat down.

FexEx them overnight to your destination. Better than having them confiscated.

Your best chance of getting them through is to put them in your Ziploc baggie, but if they are clearly over the 3.4oz, then they will be taken. Just keep in mind that you only get one Ziploc baggie of liquid/gel items. If you wear them, the body scanner may alert to them, prompting a search and possible confiscation. If they are packed in your bag and they see them, that will prompt a search of your belongings and possible confiscation. You may want to consider going without or finding an alternative option for this trip; you could also just pay to check a bag so that you know you can take them that way.

Are you taking any checked luggage? You can put all the gel products you want in checked luggage.

Here's a thought: call your airline and ask them. Or call the TSA and ask them.

This is clearly a grey area so the best thing is to phone the airline, explain the situation to them, and ask for their advice.
They will most certainly have encountered this before.

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