At an airport, would I have to take out small electronics out of my luggage during X-Rays?

I have a DS and a Nintendo Switch in my bag and it would be quite the ***** to take them out and put them back in.

If you're checking the bags you don't have to remove the electronics. You may have to remove them from carry-on bags, at the discretion of the TSA agents.

Possible. Just put them at the top of the bag. Not a big issue.

Airports all are tightening up. You can ask a TSA agent before you actually get to the actual scanner (they are around the line), pack them so they are more accessible. If you are a pre check, you do not need them out. They can always do a second search or ask anything to be taken out--its their tight to do so.

Not in general but yes if asked.

Laptops, iPads yes, other electronics generally not, but if ask you should remove them.

Laptops, portable dvd players, ipads yes. Smaller stuff usually not. Just keep it in your bag and take it out if they ask you to.

How big is the Switch?
The DS no problem

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