Next month will be my very first time traveling outside of the U, S what should i prepare for in terms of the Airport?

Next month will be my very first time traveling outside of the U, S to Asia for 2 weeks what should i bring with me to the Airport or what should i be prepared for to make the entire process go by smoothly?

Passport with necessary visa(s), tickets, luggage, money, ATM/credit cards. Make sure that you have notified your bank that you will be using your cards outside of the country. Get some actual currency of the country that you are going to for immediate expenses such as a taxi from the airport to your hotel.
Read up all you can on the country(ies) that you are going to visit.
Get to the airport as much as 3 hours before your flight. Better an hour early than a minute late as far as flying is concerned.
Read the electronic signs and proceed to relevant desk to lodge your luggage then to security check then boarding gate and have your boarding pass.
Make sure that you do not have any unacceptable items in your carry on luggage or on your person, it will delay you considerably if you are out of luck.
Books, magazines, ipod etc to keep you amused while on the plane. Wear comfortable shoes, jeans and a light jacket; planes get quite cold particularly on night flighs. US to Asia is a long flight.
Bring plenty of patience and tolerance. Airports and flights require a lot of hanging about, queuing and doing what you are told.

Make sure you not only have your passport, but it is current (not expired, your correct name is in there), your ticket and it matches your passport, any and all applicable visas. Make sure you have enough money to get by, and maybe even learn a few key phrases to get around.

Where in Asia? It makes a huge difference. Tokyo and Singapore have two of the most modern, efficient airports in the world. In Ho Chi Minh city, on the other hand, you have to stand in line for a long time to get your visa, unless you've arranged it through an agency in advance- then a representative stands in line for you.

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