Is it hard to prepare to travel in 24 hours?

What's the scheme?

2-Are bus passes and train passes good in Europe and in the USA?

3- Do you regret when you pay a hotel etc?

4-Is it an advantage to rent a car?

5-Are you afraid to be cheated in a travel because you are a foreigner

6-What's a today good destination?

7-Do people help a lot when we're travelling? I mean other turists,
locals etc.

8-What's the main difficulty traveling by plane? Crowded airports, pass the TSA or what?


1) Varied.
2) If you're planning to use the bus or train enough for it be financially viable. Some passes are only valid outside of peak times.
3) No - if I'm staying in a hotel I expect to have to pay for this.
4) Depends where you're going - many cities (particularly in Europe) have excellent public transport and limited affordable parking - a car would be a hindrance. If you want to see the countryside then a car can be useful.
5) No - I'm not afraid of that. I have common sense.
6) Dublin.
7) Some people do, some people don't. You realise there are more than 7 billion people in the world? They aren't all the same.
8) Travelling by plane isn't difficult unless you fail to do your research.

Only 8 questions today…

1. I really don't know what your scheme is other than to perhaps be using some random question generator and seeing how many people you can get to believe you are serious
2. No Any USA pass won't work in Europe and any Europe pass won't' work in the USA
3. Yea I always regret paying a hotel, as I actually should be paying the clerk at the desk
4. Not if you don't drive
5. I'm never a foreigner when traveling in my own country
6. For today the Grocery Store is a good destination
7. Sure you will find most people very helpful if they don't think they are being asked random useless questions.
8. Having to flap your wings

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