My flight got moved to the next morning after I waited in the airport for 7 hours. Do I have a chance at a successful complaint?

It was pouring outside, and the flight got delayed heavily. When it finally got there 5 hours later, the pilots said they were done for the day, and they moved the flight to early the next day. Of course, I chose to get the full refund and bail on the flight. Should I complain? (The airline is United)

You can complain, but you probably won't get much out of it. There was obviously weather issues and your pilots are limited to how many hours they are allowed to fly (which included delays and such)

But you also have nothing to lose. Maybe you get a some flight credit for your complaint.

Airlines are not actually liable for weather delays.

A delay causing the flight crew to go over the federally-allowed number of hours on duty is a common problem. You can talk to an attorney but I don't think you can get anything. Especially since you accepted the refund offered by United.

You have two chances. No chance and no chance at all.

Of course you can always complain. Whether it will do any good is another question. And the answer to that is it won't.

You want the pilots to be safe, don't you? They're not going to work over their hours for the day because they want to be safe too and not fly tired. And airlines can't be responsible for the weather - that's no doubt in the conditions somewhere. You accepted a refund and that's all you'll get. If you complain, you might get offered a little something extra to make you go away, but that's about it.

WHERE on the planet?
You might. You can try.

Many others will also have some complaints about their situation.
Suggest you try your best to be civil with the human dealing with the hundreds of others also being rerouted.
Get there EARLY for best results.

You already made a decision.
Of course, I chose to get the full refund and bail on the flight.

Should I complain? About WHAT? The weather? That you received a refund?

You could try a nice letter to customer service that despite the weather and chaos in the terminal YOU received a timely refund.

It takes just as long to write a complaint letter as a nice one., Guess which one might make the reader a little more amenable to getting you some sort of extra miles on your account or some voucher towards next flight. The staff are humans they do not control the weather they have a lot of extra work rearranging hundreds and more likely thousands of passengers that had travel plans disrupted. They get many complaints. They do not get many compliments for dealing with issues out of their control.

You have taken the option to take a refund. WHAT IS THE COMPLAINT?

You can complain all you want, but the airline has no responsibility for the weather.

The pilots should have broken the laws and regulations and kept on flying. Specially for you.

You can problably get some money back

A: Weather and pilot expiration (both safety of flight issues) take precedence over everything. If you already got your money back, what else could you expect? You could complain, but why? The delays were not the airline's fault.

You are getting a full refund for a 7 hour weather delay.

Airlines are not responsible for weather delays, so you are lucky if you get any sort of compensation. You not only got some compensation… You got a full refund.

You of course can file a complaint, but a complaint on what? That there was a weather delay and you got a full refund? Not sure exactly how far that would go.

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