What can be done about a complaint to an airline?

I submitted a complaint online but am not happy at all with the response. It is a lot of nice words but nothing else. Also, I paid extra for more leg room but the seat did not give any. Is there anything more I can do?

Wait cause most of the airlines take these serious

You can contact the airline, ask to speak with a supervisor in customer service, and tell them your story. IF there's a way to step up the complaint, they'll tell you how.

You won't get anywhere with a complaint about leg room. One of their goals is to make passengers uncomfortable enough to pay for business class. I'm serious about this- it's been well documented that they do tests to determine the exact dimensions of a seat will not lose them customers to competitors, but will motivate people to pay more.

If your complaint wasn't resolved to your satisfaction you can move it up the chain to the next level. If in the end if the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you have to decide if it was serious enough that you no longer will fly that airline. If so, then you need to write them to that effect and tell them why.

If you just don't like the legroom you got that really isn't something they are going to do anything about. If you PAID for an upgrade such as to the Economy Plus seat and were given a regular Economy seat then you may have a valid complaint to have the difference between the two seats refunded.

Call. Online complaints are not handeled that seriousaly

Suck it up is about the only advice I can give I'm afraid. Airlines seem to have a deliberate policy over the phone of just telling you where to stick it, after giving you a long runaround "can I help you and transferring you now etc" in the event of any kind of query or complaint. Sorry, but that is the "price" of cheap flights. And they are cheap I will say that for them.

Forget about online. WRITE a proper, serious letter, the way you were taught at school, beginning 'Dear Sirs' and ending 'Yours faithfully'.

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