I'm travelling with a 7mo baby on a overseas flight (BA). Anyone who has done it before could you give advise over what went right and wrong?

What are the packing items I need to bring with me. Taking in consideration that the airline allows a bag for the baby but with size and weigh restrictions, and bearing in mind that it is a over 12 hrs flight

We traveled with ours when they were babies and found buying the child his own seat (to be used with a carseat) well worth the cost. You'll want to make sure baby is drinking at take off and landing to relieve ear pressure. Our pediatrician suggested Benadryl to help with the congestion. Unless your child is a fussy one he/she will probably sleep quite a bit on the flight. But make sure you have some toys, books to read and some favorite snacks along. Other than the ear pain at take off and landing the biggest stressors in traveling with a baby are keeping it quiet and trying to change diapers in the tiny plane bathroom. If you're using formula you'll want to have the powdered kind. You can ask a flight attendant for bottled water to mix it. I would also recommend a foldable umbrella stroller for getting on and off the plane.

No idea

Definitely buy the child a seat, or do your best to make use of one of the bassinet/carrycot options on BA. You do not want to be holding your baby for that entire flight.

Consider how much food, formula, diapers, wipes, etc you go through in a day and take MORE than what you think you will need, in case of delays. Take at least one change of clothes for the baby, and it's not a bad idea to take a change of clothes for yourself. You may need to feed your baby, or provide a pacifier if he/she uses it, during take-off and landing; this helps with ear pressure at those times. My kids never had trouble with that as babies, but some do, so just have yourself ready for it. Your baby might need some distractions or comfort items, so some favorite toys, a favorite blanket, a favorite story book, etc can help.

Take your stroller and use it in the airport, and then gate-check it as you board. It will be waiting for you there when you disembark. It's much easier getting around with that stroller available to you.

Not everyone will like this suggestion, but I'm going to make it anyway. Get one of those harnesses that some people use with a leash to keep their child from wandering off. When you're not in the take off and landing, put the body part on the child, but run the fastened seat belt through it. This gives the child enough slack to move around in the seat, but will prevent the child from being thrown into the back of the seat in front in case of turbulence or a sudden drop. I would NOT keep a child strapped into a car seat for a long overseas flight!

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