What are the requirements on making a airline?

What are the requirements on making a airline?

You need at least two planes. Otherwise it's an airdot, not an airline.

Being there

A long list of stuff. Enough money, enough
Skilled and licensed Workers, lawyers,
accountants, approval of the county to
Put one a airline in the county, aircraft
Must meet guidelines, etc etc they made
It so complex it's nearly impossible to
Form a new airline. Another monopoly
Set up by the super wealthy Washington
Establishment. Just like warren buffet
Blocked the oil pipeline because he was
Making billions shipping oil by his train

Basically an idealistic vision of a great airline to serve the people, a lot of money from investors who bekieve in the same vision and a team of people who ran other airlines… Into the ground.

You need a lot of money first of all. You also need to figure out where you want to be based out of and the destinations you want to fly to. Other items you will need include the right employees, take-off and landing slots as well as gate space. You have to figure out what is the optimal aircraft you want to use. You will need suppliers for food, aircraft fuel, toiletries, reservation system, airline maintenance parts. You will also need a license to operate the airline. Ultimately there's a lot involved in starting up an airline.

Pretty easy to do. You just need a solid business plan, a vendor for the planes, staff to operate them and an absurd amount of money to operate until you are profitable. Very simple. The hardest part is the name

Lots and Lots of money. Even small commercial aircraft cost over $30 million each

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