Why do flight attendants hate it when you ask for no ice in your complimentary drink?

I've asked for no ice a couple of times and I always get a death stare from the flight attendants. Is it because they don't normally pour in the whole can into the cup and it saves the airline money? I always feel really bad because I don't want to be one of those annoying customers…

More work on there part.

It's no skin off their nose if they pour more.

Youre not the one being annoying, they are

They don't. I've never had that experience when asking for no ice. They usually ask me rather I want ice or not.

They don't care

Maybe you just caught them on a bad day! Usually they give you the remains of a normal can of soda, or if its juice the additional volume taken up by no ice is minimal.

You'll get the can irrelevant of whether there's ice or not. Makes no difference to the airline.

It throws off their rhythm. If you are on a large plane, they repeat the process many times. Since most people like ice in their drink, they tend to have think about not putting ice in if someone doesn't want it.

Probably because they will have to open another can or have extra. So what are they supposed to do with it? Drink it right there?! LOL!
I think the glasses are designed to only hold a 1/2 can of soda with some ice.

I have not had that problem before. On my last flight they asked if I wanted ice in my beverage told them no. They were perfectly fine with that. Maybe the flight attendants you had were just having a bad day.

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