New York to Ireland?

My boyfriend bought us flights for next week Wednesday from Stewart airport in New York to Dublin ireland. I'm 23 he's 48, he said he bought the tickets and paid for? He said if I bring my American passport and i.d drivers license I'll be fine, but is there anything else I should bring? I just don't want to get there and find out I can't board… Thank you.

Really? Grow up and call the airline on which you are traveling or look at their website. You shouldn't need anything beyond a valid US passport.

I'd also suggest you bring a suitcase full of clothing appropriate to what you'll be doing in Ireland and how long you will be there, and a credit card.

As long as your US passport matches the name he's booked the tickets under, that's all you need as a tourist visitor.

It would be advised to get travel insurance (unless he's also sorted this)

Make sure a VISA is included in plane ticket, not sure if one needed though'
Get some euros before leaving
clothing for the weather there

Yes, mace. He's dating someone half his age. He's a predator.

You only need the driver's licence if you're going to drive while there. Your ages are irrelevant since you are both adults. US citizens may visit Ireland for up to 90 days without a visa.

Your passport is all you should need to get your boarding passes as long as it is not expired.

You might find it a good idea to purchase some travel insurance.

I'm not sure why you mentioned your ages. Is he really your boyfriend? I mean, have you MET him, do you KNOW him? I'm just a bit concerned that you sound so young and ignorant.

Some documents, a list of things etc.

So do you are dating someone twice your age, not our concern, but have you met them before or is this your first planned meeting! Nothing wrong in buying you tickets, a valid passport is all you'll need and I'd get some travel insurance to protect yourself and your belongings.

Have a safe trip.

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