Can you fly from England to Ireland without a passport?

My passport is out of date and has been for a while and I need to get to Ireland within the next few weeks, by Ryanair. Any way I can get there by Ryanair with no passport?

Are you an Irish or UK citizen?

If you are a UK citizen, then you need a passport. If you are from another country which has a government issued photo ID card, then you can use that.

You can't fly without a passport or government-issued ID card (which some EU countries have; just not the UK)

If you're a UK citizen and your passport has expired, you need to renew it before you can fly. See whether you can get an emergency appointment to do so in your closest office.

Don't you think just possibly there might be different rules depending onwhat nationality you are?
PS I assume you mean the Irish Republic, but seeing you didn't think stating your own nationality was important, you just might mean Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK.

Only if you're British or Irish.

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