Is it safe for a 17 year old girl to travel to China alone?

Hi so basically I'm going to China soon to visit my dad and my older brother was meant to be travelling with me but he is unable to go. So my question is, is China is it safe for me to travel to china by my self. I'll meet my dad at the airport in China but do you think it is safe for me to take the flight alone and go through customs and everything. I'm also getting a connecting flight.

please tell my your opinion and if you have any advice

Yes, China is much safer than the USA. You can walk down a street at 2 AM alone and not be molested or harmed.

What do you think is going to happen to you on the plane?
Millions travel by plane, have you heard stories of anyone getting robbed on a flight?

Why in the world would it be unsafe for a 17 year old to travel alone?

Yes, no problem at all. But if you or relatives are concerned you can contact the airline and tell them you are a minor travelling unaccompanied and they will make a note and give you any assistance. If you are travelling to shanghai or beijing airport for example, you'll hardly notice any difference from other international airports.

Yes you should be fine, have your visa, passport and the hotel you will be staying at during the visit.

While flying alone doesn't matter where you are traveling it is same. As long as your dad meets you at airport.

In china they eat everything dogs cats, snakes etc there might be cannibals.

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