Are US airport CBP officers notorious for being rude?

I'm curious about some of you guys experiences with them because I recently started flying overseas to fulfill my quest of seeing the world. Am I expected to anticipate rudeness every time I land back in the states? Is that apparently "the culture" in our country of USA?

I've flown all over the world and, in my opinion, flying onto and out of US airports is most definitely the worst.
Those CBP and TSA guys are just the most rude "security people" anywhere in the world and totally devoid of any sense of humour.

I've had nothing but good experiences with CBP officers in the US. But I've only flown into the same few airports (although many times), so my experience is certainly limited.


They have a job to do. They are not known for being friendly.
They are usually not RUDE but can be very difficult to deal with.
Seriously is there a polite way to do a strip search?

I have been flying internationally for more then 40 years in all those flights I have had one CBP officer that I would have even considered a little bit rude

Never have a problem. Just try being nice to them… They want to be nice… I have an artificial knee and
ALWAYS have to go to secondary for pat down… They're always polite… They don't want to do it anymore than I want them to…

Probably because most people who travel are full of themselves and don't think rules apply to them

They are indeed 'notorious for being rude', regardless of whether they deserve it or not. But by far the rudest immigration official I've ever met in a long life of frequent international flying was at Vancouver airport in the summer of 2000.

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